05 June 2010

today's harvest

(my helper)

wow it is hot in Texas! we weren't out in the garden very long and i am dying! so worth it though. growing the food you feed your family is satisfying. to know that is was grown with love and care...completely organic...is a gift i am proud to offer my guys. we did pretty well today....41 banana peppers, 18 ears of corn, 9 japanese eggplants, 8 yellow squash, 8 brandywine tomatoes (love love LOVE my heirloom tomatoes), and handful of yellow pear tomatoes. the girls gave us a 13 eggs today and 2 guinea eggs as well.
not a bad day at the "bonin farm". now i am ready for a tall glass of lemonade!


  1. oh my this is fantastic! I'm lucky if I get enough salad leaves for a meal every couple of days!!
